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Hi, I am DR P. AJAY KUMAR MD, FHM ( fellowship in HIV medicine) from CMC Vellore. I have 12 years experience in treating HIV/aids patients. I have worked for 4 years in Teradata CARE AND SUPPORT and ART CENTRE ( AP TB AND CHEST HOSPITAL) (Antiretroviral treatment and testing center) and 1 year in OSMANIA GENERAL HOSPITAL ART CENTRE. I have more than 300 patients on HIV treatment some on 1 st line medicines and some on 2nd line medicines and few on 3rd line medicines.

At present my longest surviving patients are completing 9 years of treatment and are very much healthy. I don't use any ayurvedic or homeopathic treatment. I use only allopathic ( English) which has been tested and proved beyond doubt and are used worldwide by all HIV/AIDS specialists. You can interact with my patients who are using medicines if you have any clarifications. I can assure you a very long life of more than 25 years after starting hiv treatment provided you use the medicines regularly.

I also have tie ups with leading HIV/AIDS related pharma companies like cipla and ranbaxy who provide drugs at very low price. I also have tie up with ranbaxy lab which is a very reliable lab which does hiv related tests like CD4 , VIRAL LOAD , WESTERN BLOT AND .

HIV DRUG RESISTANCE TESTING at concessional price. I look forward to extending my wholehearted support to all PLWHS (people living with HIV/aids) as they are the people who are neglected by all health care centers.

I also offer free consultation services who cannot afford the treatment. I also have a hospital attached to my clinic where I admit people who are sick and in terminal stages and provide supportive and definitive treatment at concessional price as at present there are no hospitals who take up HIV/ aids patients. if they do admit the patient they charge 25-30% extra.

But we serve the patients and there are patients who have been brought in terminal stages and have recovered totally and leading a normal healthy and happy life...


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SAI SRINIVASA HOSPITAL besides deepak theatre narayanguda


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